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Coriander whole 200gm

Coriander whole 200gm

SKU SKU:2131

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Coriander Seed Whole 200gm

(Coriandrum sativum)

Ayurvedic Energetics:
Rasa (taste): bitter, pungent
Virya (action): cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): pungent
Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for all doshas, especially pitta.
Coriander is respected among best herb for supporting processing without exasperating pitta. It cools the digestive fire and mitigates the GI tract. By uprooting exorbitant hotness it is helpful for pitta-related awkward nature, particularly connected with menopause. Also, it underpins fitting working of the kidneys advancing sound pee. The seeds when consolidated with Cumin and Fennel makes a phenomenal digestive tea.*

Product Weight:

100 g